On Friday, the Central government officially appointed Marakkaparambil Bhargavan Snehalatha, a judicial officer, as an additional judge of the Kerala High Court. This appointment, notified by the Ministry of Law and Justice on April 19, follows a recommendation made by the Supreme Court collegium back on October 10, 2023. Snehalatha was among a group of five judicial officers endorsed by the Supreme Court for elevation, with three already assuming their roles as additional judges on October 25—Justices Johnson John, G Girish, and C Pratheep Kumar.
Despite the initial recommendation, Snehalatha’s appointment was finalized only now, after a delay of over six months. The Supreme Court collegium, in its resolution advocating for her elevation, acknowledged her commendable professional and personal standing. However, it also noted criticism regarding two bail orders she had issued. Nonetheless, the collegium emphasized that these criticisms shouldn’t hinder her elevation.
Furthermore, the collegium highlighted Snehalatha’s belonging to the Other Backward Class (OBC) category and her nearing retirement age, implying a potentially shorter tenure. As of April 19, the Kerala High Court, with a sanctioned strength of 47 judges, operates with 41 judges, leaving six vacancies. With Snehalatha’s appointment, the court’s vacancies will be reduced to five.